We just had a fantastic weekend with sunshine so I am not going to complain that we are back to rainy grey today. If you want to preserve some of that sunshine feeling, how about making your own ice cream. It will taste equally great eaten outside or in so don't worry if you have to assemble your deck chair in your living room for now. The recipe really couldn't be easier so don't worry if you haven't made it the night before. Just allow enough time for the ice lollies to set in the freezer and you're ready to go.
1 ripe mango
1 lime
coconut milk
For this recipe you won't need sugar as long as your fruit is juicy and ripe. You won't need cream either. Just use coconut milk with a very high coconut content. The one we use has around 80%. That way the ice cream will taste creamy and not watery. Puree the mango and add the juice of the lime. In ice cream moulds layer the fruit puree and the coconut milk and put upright in the freezer.